CheckAuth(); $detect = new \Detection\MobileDetect; $deviceType = ($detect->isMobile() ? ($detect->isTablet() ? 'tablet' : 'phone') : 'computer'); if (preg_match("|Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64)|",$detect->getUserAgent())) $deviceType='phone'; if ($deviceType != 'computer') header("Location:"); if (empty($_REQUEST['Page'])) $_REQUEST['Page'] = 0; $start = ($_REQUEST['Page'] * $perPage); $_REQUEST['Search'] = (isset($_REQUEST['Search']) ? str_replace("%20"," ",$_REQUEST['Search']) : ""); $origPerPage = $perPage; $perPage = $perPage * 2; $halfBillboards = array(); $addQ = ""; if (isset($_REQUEST['CatID']) and !empty($_REQUEST['CatID'])) { $addQ .= " And CategoryID=".$_REQUEST['CatID']; } if (isset($_REQUEST['RegionID']) and !empty($_REQUEST['RegionID'])) { $addQ .= " And RegionID=".$_REQUEST['RegionID']; } $pathinfo = (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) ? $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] : ""); $params = preg_split('|/|', $pathinfo, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); if (!empty($params) && !preg_match("/\?/",$params[0])) { $_REQUEST['Search'] = ($params[0] == 'index.php' ? (!empty($params[1]) ? $params[1] : "") : $params[0]); } $_REQUEST['Search'] = str_replace("%20"," ",$_REQUEST['Search']); if (!empty($_REQUEST['Search'])) { $addQ = "AND ("; $searchTerms = explode(" ",$_REQUEST['Search']); $myS = 0; foreach ($searchTerms as $term) { if ($myS > 0) $addQ .= " OR "; $addQ .= "Keyword like '%".addslashes($term)."%' "; $myS++; } if (is_numeric($_REQUEST['Search'])) $addQ .= " or BillboardID='".$_REQUEST['Search']."' "; $addQ .= " or Username='".$_REQUEST['Search']."')"; } $q = "select billboards.*, Concat(BillboardFile,'?',unix_timestamp(NOW())) as BillboardFile from billboards left join billboard_categories using (BillboardID) left join billboard_regions using (BillboardID) left join ( select BillboardID, group_concat(Keyword separator ' ') as Keyword from billboard_keywords group by BillboardID) as t1 using (BillboardID) left join clients using (ClientID) where Active='Y' ".$addQ." ".(!empty($_REQUEST['Let']) ? "and BillboardIdentifier like '".$_REQUEST['Let'].(!empty($_REQUEST['SL']) ? $_REQUEST['SL'] : "")."%'" : "")." group by BillboardID Order By DisplayOrder"; $r = $dbh->prepare($q); $r->execute(); $rowCounter = 0; $myCounter = 0; $subCount = 0; $prevBB = ""; while ($billBoard = $r->fetch()) { if ($rowCounter >= $start) { break; } if ((strtoupper($billBoard['BillboardType']) == 'HALF' && $subCount%2 == 0)) { } else if ((strtoupper($billBoard['BillboardType']) == 'HALF')) { $rowCounter++; } else if ((strtoupper($billBoard['BillboardType']) == 'FULL') && $subCount%2 != 0) { $rowCounter++; if ($rowCounter >= $start) { break; } $rowCounter++; } else { $rowCounter++; } if ((strtoupper($billBoard['BillboardType']) == 'HALF') || ((strtoupper($billBoard['BillboardType']) == 'FULL') && $subCount%2 != 0)) { $subCount++; } $myCounter++; } $start = $myCounter; $CategoryList = "\r\n"; $q = "select * from categories order by CategoryName"; $r = $dbh->prepare($q); $r->execute(); while ($c = $r->fetch()) { $CategoryList .= "\r\n"; } $RegionList = ""; $RegionList .= "\r\n"; $q = "Select * from regions order by CASE When ISNULL(regiontype) Then 0 when regiontype='Region' then 1 When RegionType='State' Then 2 else 3 end, RegionName"; $r = $dbh->prepare($q); $r->execute(); $regCT = 0; $prevReg = "Region"; while ($c = $r->fetch()) { if ($c['RegionType'] == 'State') $regType = 'US States'; else if ($c['RegionType'] == 'Country') $regType = 'Countries'; if ($regCT != 0 && $prevReg != $c['RegionType']) { $RegionList .= ''; } if ($prevReg != $c['RegionType']) { $RegionList .= ""; } $prevReg = $c['RegionType']; $regCT++; $RegionList .= "\r\n"; } $RegionList .= ""; $CategoryList = "\r\n"; $q = "select * from categories order by CategoryName"; $r = $dbh->prepare($q); $r->execute(); while ($c = $r->fetch()) { $CategoryList .= "\r\n"; } $q = "select *, Concat(BillboardFile,'?',unix_timestamp(NOW())) as BillboardFile from billboards where BillboardIdentifier = 'YBBH' order by Rand()"; $r = $dbh->prepare($q); $r->execute(); while ($c = $r->fetch()) { $ybbHere[$c['BillboardType']][] = $c; } $q = "select billboards.*, Concat(BillboardFile,'?',unix_timestamp(NOW())) as BillboardFile from billboards left join billboard_categories using (BillboardID) left join billboard_regions using (BillboardID) left join ( select BillboardID, group_concat(Keyword separator ' ') as Keyword from billboard_keywords group by BillboardID) as t1 using (BillboardID) left join clients using (ClientID) where Active='Y' ".$addQ." ".(!empty($_REQUEST['Let']) ? "and BillboardIdentifier like '".$_REQUEST['Let'].(!empty($_REQUEST['SL']) ? $_REQUEST['SL'] : "")."%'" : "")." group by BillboardID Order By DisplayOrder limit ".$start.", ".($perPage); $r = $dbh->prepare($q); $r->execute() or die($q);; $allBillboards = array(); $numRows = 0; $hasMore = 0; $isFull = 0; while ($c = $r->fetch()) { $allBillboards[] = $c; } $ct = 0; $subCount = 0; $billboardContent = ""; $prevBB = ""; $toUse = array(); $rowCount = 0; $myCount = 0; foreach ($allBillboards as $billBoard) { $q = "insert into billboards_impressions (BillboardID, IPAddress, Seen, Browser, Count) VALUES (".$billBoard['BillboardID'].", '".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."', CURDATE(), '". substr($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],0,189)."', 1) On Duplicate Key Update Count=Count+1"; $dbh->query($q); $billboardInfo = array(); if ((strtoupper($billBoard['BillboardType']) == 'HALF' && $subCount%2 == 0)) { $myRow = file_get_contents("templates/leftHalf.tmpl"); $myWidth = 618; $billboardContent .= buildBillboardRow($billBoard,$myRow); } else if ((strtoupper($billBoard['BillboardType']) == 'HALF')) { $myWidth = 618; $myRow = file_get_contents("templates/rightHalf.tmpl"); $billboardContent .= buildBillboardRow($billBoard,$myRow); $rowCount++; } else if ((strtoupper($billBoard['BillboardType']) == 'FULL') && $subCount%2 != 0) { $myWidth = 618; $myRow = file_get_contents("templates/rightHalf.tmpl"); $j = rand(0,count($ybbHere['Half'])-1); $billboardContent .= buildBillboardRow($ybbHere['Half'][$j],$myRow); $rowCount++; if ($rowCount >= $origPerPage) { $hasMore = 1; break; } $myWidth = 1241; $myRow = file_get_contents("templates/full.tmpl"); $billboardContent .= buildBillboardRow($billBoard,$myRow); $rowCount++; } else { $rowCount++; $myWidth = 1241; $myRow = file_get_contents("templates/full.tmpl"); $billboardContent .= buildBillboardRow($billBoard,$myRow); } if ($rowCount >= $origPerPage) { $hasMore = 1; break; } if ((strtoupper($billBoard['BillboardType']) == 'HALF') || ((strtoupper($billBoard['BillboardType']) == 'FULL') && $subCount%2 != 0)) { $subCount++; } } if ($rowCount < $origPerPage) { if ($subCount%2 != 0) { $myWidth = 618; $myRow = file_get_contents("templates/rightHalf.tmpl"); $j = rand(0,count($ybbHere['Half'])-1); $billboardContent .= buildBillboardRow($ybbHere['Half'][$j],$myRow); } else { $myWidth = 1241; $myRow = file_get_contents("templates/full.tmpl"); $j = rand(0,count($ybbHere['Full'])-1); $billboardContent .= buildBillboardRow($ybbHere['Full'][$j],$myRow); } } $letterBox = ""; for ($i=0;$i".$letter.""; } if (isset($_REQUEST['Let'])) { $row = file_get_contents("templates/subLetterRow.tmpl"); $myInfo = array(); $subLetterBox = ""; foreach ($letterArray as $letter) { $subLetterBox .= $row; $myInfo['TopLetter'] = $_REQUEST['Let']; $myInfo['Letter'] = $letter; $myInfo['subPage'] = 'index.php?Let='.$_REQUEST['Let'].(!empty($_REQUEST['CatID']) ? "&CatID=".$_REQUEST['CatID'] : ""). (!empty($_REQUEST['RegionID']) ? "&RegionID=".$_REQUEST['RegionID'] : "").(!empty($_REQUEST['Search']) ? "&Search=".$_REQUEST['Search'] : "")."&SL=".$letter; $subLetterBox = preg_replace_callback( '//', function ($matches) { global $myInfo; return $myInfo[$matches[1]]; }, $subLetterBox ); } } else { $subLetterBox = ""; } $aspectRatio = 1396; $content = array(); if ($_REQUEST['Page'] > 0) $content['displayPrev'] = 'block'; else $content['displayPrev'] = 'none'; if ($hasMore) $content['displayNext'] = 'block'; else $content['displayNext'] = 'none'; $content['nextPage'] = "index.php?".(!empty($_REQUEST['Let']) ? "Let=".$_REQUEST['Let']."&" : ""). (!empty($_REQUEST['SL']) ? "SL=".$_REQUEST['SL']."&" : ""). (!empty($_REQUEST['CatID']) ? "CatID=".$_REQUEST['CatID']."&" : ""). (!empty($_REQUEST['RegionID']) ? "RegionID=".$_REQUEST['RegionID']."&" : ""). (!empty($_REQUEST['Search']) ? "Search=".$_REQUEST['Search']."&" : ""). "&Page=".($_REQUEST['Page']+1); $content['prevPage'] = "index.php?".(!empty($_REQUEST['Let']) ? "Let=".$_REQUEST['Let']."&" : ""). (!empty($_REQUEST['SL']) ? "SL=".$_REQUEST['SL']."&" : ""). (!empty($_REQUEST['CatID']) ? "CatID=".$_REQUEST['CatID']."&" : ""). (!empty($_REQUEST['RegionID']) ? "RegionID=".$_REQUEST['RegionID']."&" : ""). (!empty($_REQUEST['Search']) ? "Search=".$_REQUEST['Search']."&" : ""). "&Page=".($_REQUEST['Page']-1); $content['letterBox'] = $letterBox; $content['subLetterBox'] = $subLetterBox; if ($isFull) $content['isFullPage'] = '100%'; else $content['isFullPage'] = '100%'; $content['billboardContent'] = $billboardContent; $c = getBackground(); $backgroundImage = $c['BackgroundFile']; $backgroundColor = $c['BackgroundColor']; $backgroundAdName = $c['BackgroundAdName']; $backgroundURL = $c['BackgroundURL']; $backgroundID = $c['BackgroundID']; $borderColor = $c['BorderColor']; $content['backgroundImage'] = $backgroundImage; $content['backgroundID'] = $backgroundID; $content['backgroundURL'] = $backgroundURL; $content['backgroundColor'] = $backgroundColor; $content['BorderColor'] = $borderColor; $content['backgroundAdName'] = $backgroundAdName; $content['hideMobileOnly'] = 'hideMobile'; $content['adWidth'] = 16.5; if ($deviceType != "computer") { $content['hideMobileOnly'] = ''; $content['adWidth'] = 18.45; } $content['isLoggedIn'] = 'false'; if ($auth->loggedIn) { $content['isLoggedIn'] = 'true'; } $content['time'] = time(); $content['CategoryList'] = $CategoryList; $content['RegionList'] = $RegionList; $content['copyYear'] = date('Y'); $text = file_get_contents("templates/mainTemplate2.tmpl"); $text = str_replace("!!SEARCH!!",(!empty($_REQUEST['Search']) ? $_REQUEST['Search'] : ''), $text); $text = preg_replace_callback( '//', function ($matches) { global $content; return $content[$matches[1]]; }, $text ); if (preg_match("/AMPP/i",$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) { $text .= ""; } else { $text .= ""; } if ($backgroundURL != '') { $text .= ""; } echo $text; function getBillboardInfo($BillboardID) { global $dbh; if (empty($BillboardID)) return; $q = "select BillboardID, BillboardTargetName, BillboardType, BillboardIdentifier, Concat(BillboardFile,'?',unix_timestamp(NOW())) as BillboardFile, b.* from billboards left join clients using (ClientID) left join billboard_information b using (BillboardID) where BillboardID = ".$BillboardID; $r = $dbh->prepare($q); $r->execute() or die(printArr($q)); $c = $r->fetch(); if (!empty($c)) { $c['Buttons'] = array(); $q2 = "select * from billboard_buttons where BillboardID = ".$BillboardID." and ButtonExpiration > NOW() and Approved='Y' and Active='Y'"; $r2 = $dbh->prepare($q2); $r2->execute() or die($q2); while ($c2 = $r2->fetch()) { $c['Buttons'][$c2['ButtonNumber']] = $c2; } } return $c['Buttons']; } function buildBillboardRow($billBoard, $myRow) { global $myWidth, $billboardInfo; $billboardInfo['BillboardBorder'] = 'doBorder'; $billBoard['Buttons'] = getBillboardInfo($billBoard['BillboardID']); $buttonContent = ""; if (!preg_match("/AMPP/i",$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) { for ($i=1;$i<5;$i++) { if (!empty($billBoard['Buttons'][$i])) { $buttonContent .= ""; } else { $buttonContent .= ""; } $buttonContent .= $i; $buttonContent .= ""; } $billboardInfo['Buttons'] = $buttonContent; $billboardInfo['leftButtons'] = $buttonContent; $buttonContent = ""; for ($i=5;$i<9;$i++) { if (!empty($billBoard['Buttons'][$i])) { $buttonContent .= ""; } else { $buttonContent .= ""; } $buttonContent .= $i; $buttonContent .= ""; } $billboardInfo['rightButtons'] = $buttonContent; } else { $billboardInfo['Buttons'] = $billboardInfo['leftButtons'] = $billboardInfo['rightButtons'] = " "; } $billboardInfo['isSpacer'] = ""; if (empty(substr($billBoard['BillboardIdentifier'],0,1))) $billboardInfo['isSpacer'] = "_imageSpacer"; $billboardInfo['BillboardFile'] = (!empty(substr($billBoard['BillboardIdentifier'],0,1)) ? $billBoard['ClientID']."/".$billBoard['BillboardFile'] : "spacer.png"); $billboardInfo['Billboard'] = ""; $billboardInfo['Billboard'] .= ""; $billboardInfo['Billboard'] .= ''; $myRow = preg_replace_callback( '//', function ($matches) { global $billboardInfo; return $billboardInfo[$matches[1]]; }, $myRow ); return $myRow; } function getBackground() { global $dbh; $q = "select BackgroundID, Concat(BackgroundFile,'?',unix_timestamp(NOW())) as BackgroundFile, BackgroundColor, BackgroundURL, BackgroundAdName, BorderColor from backgrounds Where Active='Y' and Approved='Y' order by RAND() Limit 1"; $r = $dbh->prepare($q); $r->execute(); $c = $r->fetch(); // if (!empty($_COOKIE['seenBackgrounds'])) { // $seenBackgrounds = unserialize($_COOKIE['seenBackgrounds']); // if (!in_array($backgroundID,$seenBackgrounds)) { // $q = "update backgrounds set UniqueImpressions=UniqueImpressions+1 where BackgroundID=".$backgroundID; // $dbh->query($q); // $seenBackgrounds[] = $backgroundID; // } // setcookie('seenBackgrounds',serialize($seenBackgrounds)); // } // setcookie('seenBackgrounds',serialize($seenBackgrounds)); $q = "update backgrounds set Impressions=Impressions+1 where BackgroundID=".$c['BackgroundID']; $dbh->query($q); return $c; }